Friday, September 13, 2013

Ground Control is Major Fun

I’m trying to get my son off electronics. His twin sister can play Barbies, tea party and sleepy babies in the grocery store/mad-dash-home (where ever did she ever get that from?) with nary a need for pulsing, noisy gadgets.

However, my boy goes into total melt down if Tablet is deemed unnecessary for even a minute of playtime, or to sit on the charger and take a nap its own self. I've gone so far as to tell him Tablet is in the hospital and we need to make cupcakes to make Tablet better! No. Nothing can get him off Beloved. He sits and waits for the little beep that says it's charged and claps his hands before gently, gently removing it from its charger.

So, off to the playground we go! At least there he forgets, for a few moments, his Beloved. Kites from the dollar store worked great, for about a week. Then he realized the ploy his parents had orchestrated to disconnect him from Tablet. But then, I found stomp rockets, and they…are…awesome! Not only do they launch really high, they go a good 50 yards, true to the advertising on the ‘70s-inspired packaging complete with children turning their awed faces to the sky, but it's great toddler cardio! The twins have to run after their rocket ship, bring it back and stomp on the dern thing over and over.

It’s my new favorite nap-inducing thing!

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