Sunday, October 6, 2013

Put a Lid On It - Scrapbooking in Two Easy Steps

A few years ago, as the babies were really starting to test their mobility and my patience, and the daily pictures and videos dwindled from hundreds to two, I decided to start scrapbooking.

After I realized that would never happen, I began a memory jar. I bought months-of-the-year tablets in a cutesy package complete with tiny themed Post Its, on clearance of course, and regularly jotted down the things they did and said in the amount of time it took to change a diaper. Awesome. Pop it in a jar and tighten the lid and the good-mommy points just pile up! Plus it's nearly water proof when the kids take it for a bath.

Now I’m working on our third jar, and the memories have yet to make it into a glossy scrap book with themed pages, but at least I don’t feel guilty about not recording every moment. And I know it’s going to make a great New Year’s Eve tradition when they are old enough to open the jars and unfold the little pieces of paper and learn all about themselves, from first step to first public curse word.

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